Empire Iron Works Ltd
Establishment at Range Road 43, Wabamun, AB T0E 2K0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Empire Iron Works Ltd: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Range Road 43
Alberta T0E 2K0
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+1 780-892-3773
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About empireiron.com
Empire Iron Works Ltd. - Empire Iron Works Ltd.
Empire Iron Works Ltd. details, fabricates and erects structural steel for industrial, institutional and commercial applications in Alberta, including Edmonton, Calgary, Fort McMurray, and other locations in Canada such as British Columbia and the North West Territories. Pulp mills, mines, process plants, pipe racks, conveyor galleries, warehouses, high and low rise office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals and schools are pieces of EIW’s winning portfolio. Plate steel is processed into bridges, hydraulic
Structural Steel, Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary, Fort McMurray, North West Territories, pulp mills, mines, process plants, pipe racks, conveyor galleries, warehouses, high rise office buildings, low rise office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, plate steel, bridges, hydraulic gates, stop-logs, precipitators, tanks, hoppers, chutes, breeching, engineered equipment, engineering, detailing, fabrication, erection, engineering, engineer, estimating, Art Gallery of Alberta, Meadows Community Rec
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22:00 -5 ℃ 1013 hPa 96 % 2 m/s